Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Epiphany of 2010

My Smile Project now goes full circle, like a good episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

It all started coming together last week when I met Sandra Day O'Conner. She is currently trying to make teaching the Declaration of Independence a vital part of the education system. She believes everyone in the US should know their rights. Before meeting her, I of course review the D of I, and I soon come to the oh so famous line, "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." It actually states that we have the right to Pursue Happiness. A light bulb appears above my head. I think -

I am currently executing my constitutional right to pursue happiness.

I like the way it rolls off the tongue. I am pursuing happiness. I would think more people would choose this wonderful opportunity given to all Americans. Is the line overlooked because people are too chicken to pursue their own personal happiness? Or is it because we do not know what our happiness is, therefore making things a bit trickier?

Personally, I have had a difficult time discovering what it is that makes me smile, brings me happiness, and fills me with joy. People ask me all of the time - when I am in spreading smile mode of course - and thus far, I have given the ever so wonderful, yet cheesy answer: What makes me smile is seeing other people smile. Over six months of investigating everything worth smiling in world, and I still had not discovered my true happiness. The happiness that I should be pursuing!!! Until now. I had an epiphany. I think it may have been my first real epiphany.

Epiphany {n} - a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something.

It is so simple, what makes me smile is creating. And to be more specific, creating innovative clothing. It always, without fail, will put a smile on my face!! :) Taking something mundane and turning it into something awesome, is my middle name.

So how does this all tie together?
I am expanding my online store and selling the clothes I make. So far I have successfully made 12 t-shirts! I created my own silk screen...

Then tie-dyed the shirts after I printed the smile logo on them...

I forgot to wear gloves when I washed the shirt out in the sink. I sill have purple hands.

I have already taken them into stores in Santa Monica, and have gotten a great response from store owners. I am making another batch of shirts today with a different design and more vibrant colors. I will be adding the t-shirts to my online store ASAP. ASAP for me is tomorrow. I still must take photos and do a little html updating.

I am now doing what I love, and hopefully will be able to generate an income that allows me to continue to travel and expand my business. With every blog post everything continues to develop and change. I can understand if it all seems up in the air, but I am a water sign, so yeah.

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